The Cheesecake Factory US $25.00
Product Description
The Cheesecake Factory® electronic gift card (“eCard”) can be used at any of The Cheesecake Factory® restaurants in the United States of America, including the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
• Please safeguard this eCard as it cannot be replaced if lost or stolen • The eCard does not expire or accrue fees. • Except where required by law, this eCard cannot be refunded or redeemed for cash • eCard balances cannot be transferred onto or used to purchase other eCards or gift cards • Where prohibited by law, you cannot use this eCard to pay for alcoholic beverages • Use of this eCard constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions • eCard only valid in the United States of America, including the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico • This eCard is subject to all state and federal laws and regulations, which may change from time to time. Therefore the terms and conditions affecting this eCard are subject to change without notice.
To find The Cheesecake Factory® restaurant nearest you or check the balance on your eCard, please visit us at thecheesecakefactory.com. You may also check your eCard balance by calling 1-888-891-2429.
©2018 TCF Co LLC. All Rights Reserved. Issued by C.F.I. Promotions CA Co. LLC
Redemption Instructions for The Cheesecake Factory eGift Card: In Restaurant only (redemption not available online). There are two ways to redeem. If you choose to print this page then the Gift Card number (16 digits) and PIN (8 digits) must be legible to redeem. Present the printed eGift Card to your server at time of payment. If you choose to redeem from your mobile device, inform your Server and write the 16 digit Gift card number legibly (spaces between every 4 numbers) on the bottom of the check.